Stealing is wrong. But what if petty theft can bring more beauty and oxygen into the world?
What is prop lifting?
Obviously this is a play on the word "shoplifting," more specifically it is a portmanteau (sorry English teacher here) of propagation and shop lifting. The simple idea is to help yourself to broken off sections from plants in public places that you then take home and propagate. This is wrong right? I'm not so sure.
This trend has likely been happening in isolation for a long time, however it is increasing in popularity due to a subreddit (137,000 strong) r/proplifting, which espouses the practice, and give people a platform to share their prop lifting experiences. Although, it should be noted that there is a clear NO Shoplifting mantra attached to the subreddit's code of ethics.
So, if not stealing, then how does one actually practice this?
The idea is actually more about scavenging than stealing healthy bits that are connected to plants. In stores, on porches, or in friends' homes, plants sometimes lose bits of themselves that would otherwise die. So, if one were to scoop up this bit of disconnected matter and put it in water or set it out on a propagation station it can grow into a full and healthy plant.
Why should you prop lift?
If there is an ethical dilemma surrounding the practice of this, why am I encouraging you to do this? While I agree that going to a retail store and breaking off healthy sections of plants is wrong, I have a hard time agreeing that it is wrong in all contexts.
Confession time. If I see a sick plant being left outside over a period of time, it ends up in my home. I know, it's stealing, but I cannot ignore the pained cries of a plant that should be thriving. I have taken a very sickly (incorrectly potted) dracaena plant from a restaurant...
Confession number two. I have taken a small section of a large succulent that was in a little shop I was in. That plant is currently rooting, and in a year I will have a small plant clone from the original. Thus I was acting as benefit to the survival of said plant in a way that only spreads more plants into the world. Someday I will likely give a bud of that plant to a friend, and so on.
So here is my argument for the ethics of prop lifting. To go to a retail store, never buy anything, and break off healthy tissue is wrong. However, I often buy whole plants, pots, and soil from a place that I also take broken sections that are lying on the ground. Furthermore, however you obtain your propagates (hopefully not in a blatantly wrong way), pay it forward and share in the spoils once that plant grows to a reasonable size.
Many people will disagree with me, and that is okay. I think more plants in the world is a good thing, and the price of a cutting here and there is worth it. Wherever you stand, share your thoughts in the comments, or hit us up on instagram @plantdaddykc.